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The History of Semper Fidelis Lodge

The founding of the Semper Fidelis Lodge was one of those happenings which occur from time to time – this one happened in the bar of the Connaught Rooms, Aldershot – the ornamental facade with its three arched & columned windows with Gothic Capitals - above a shop on the High Street, Aldershot (Ed Number 65) – after a meeting – overheard – what we want in Aldershot is a new lodge – made by W. Bro. H.H. (Knobby) Clark.

Throughout the years, each and every Officer to the best of my knowledge has performed his duties with the utmost sincerity and to the best of his ability. Long service has been given by many and been duly recognised and the success of the Lodge must be attributed in no small way to those stalwarts. As a Lodge we have been blessed with only requiring one Past Master to be Worshipful Master for a second time, this honour was given to our only remaining Founder at that time W.Bro. W.E.G. Woods PJGD, sadly who has since passed to the Grand Lodge above.

SEPTEMBER 2014 -  W.Bro Graham Glazier was appointed as Grand Superintendent in and over the Royal Arch Province of Dorset, another Lodge Honour. In July 2015 W,Bro. Michael Ingram was appointed Provincial Senior Grand Warden, another Honour


OCTOBER 2008 -  W.Bro. Robert Wilkinson presented a hard back commemorative 60 year Album of Past Masters to the Worshipful Master and Semper Fidelis Lodge. This was compiled from W.Bro. Sam Chappels Album he had taken over after Sam’s sad demise, the book will be held by the Secretary and will be available at each Festive Board. Our thanks to W.Bro.Robert for this most excellent gift. Provincial 50yr Certificates have been issued to W.Bro’s DAW Clark, JW Charman, J McBryer and Bro CCH Clark & Provincial 60yr Certificates have been issued to W.Bro’s HH Clark, WEG Woods, JW Charman, A Beck, EJH Moore MBE and DAW Clark.


OCTOBER 2006 - All Lodge Officer Collars were renewed from donations from the following Officers of the Lodge:

W.Bro. Barry R. Wilkinson, Bro. John Ingram, Bro. Alan Schiefersten, W.Bro. Ken Marsh, W.Bro. John McBryer.

W.Bro. Nicholas. H.W. George, W.Bro. Alf Peacock, W.Bro. Terry Davies, W.Bro. David Redman, Bro. Michael Ingram,

Bro. Michael Speak, W.Bro. Alan Summers, Bro. Peter Williams, Bro. John Pettigrew. W.Bro. W.E.G. Woods donated cost to purchase New Gauntlets for the three Principal Officers


OCTOBER 2005 -  The Worshipful Master gave Bro Stephen Blanchard a large vote of thanks for the magnificent gift of the donation of a Tylers Sword and Scabbard.


The Secretary W.Bro. Nick George announced at the November Meeting that he had donated 4 sets of 1st and 2nd Degree books to the Lodge to enable Entered Apprentices and Fellow Crafts the benefit of early learning rather than wait until the complete Emulation Book is presented by the Lodge of Instruction.


APRIL 2005 -  The Lodge was honoured by an unofficial visit from the Assistant Provincial Grand Master W.Bro. Roger J. Bricknell who had attended to Present Semper Fidelis Lodge No 6664 with their Gold Certificate for the 2005 Festival. The Lodge had raised £28,000 in Total. The APGM congratulated the Lodge on its exemplary efforts during the Festival complimenting the Charity Steward W.Bro. David Redman on his Stirling Work.


OCTOBER 1998 -  The 50th Anniversary meeting was held on Wednesday, 14th October 1998 by a special dispensation signed by the Provincial Grand Secretary W.Bro. Nigel.J Buckingham being the 50th Anniversary of the Consecration

The Lodge was honoured by an Official Visit from the Provincial Grand Master R.W.Bro. Ernest.F.R. Moss accompanied by a team of Provincial Grand Lodge Officers.


The Provincial Grand Secretary W.Bro. Nigel.J Buckingham read the Warrant of the Lodge. Assistant Secretary W.Bro. Les Hayes read brief extracts from the Consecration Meeting held on Thursday 14th October 1948 (It was interesting to note that the meeting was held in the very room, now the dining room, which was in those days a Temple). The Lodge received Greetings from our other Founder. Bro. R. Stocker.


The Provincial Grand Master presented to the Lodge a 50th Anniversary Masters Collar to Mark this Landmark in the History of the Lodge. Fashioned by W.Bro Albert Hollis in Hall Marked Silver comprising of ten “Jewels” wrought in the form of a square and compass, each “Jewel” bearing the name of five Past Masters of the Lodge, totalling 50 in number.


APRIL 1998 -  The Worshipful Master Ken Marsh handed over the Direction of the Lodge to W.Bro.W.E.G. Woods, that he might initiate his Grandson Timothy Woods. Bro Timothy becoming a member of the Fourth Generation to join Semper Fidelis, as his Great Grand Father was the Founding Junior Warden in 1948.


OCTOBER 1995 -  The Lodge Benevolent Fund was set up under the Grand Lodge Relief Scheme, and £2587.00 was transferred to the relief chest. The Master Alan Summers raised monies for the Tom Langton Fund by selling copies of the “Group Family Tree, which he had produced on his computer.

NOVEMBER 1994 -  The Lodge visited Semper Fidelis Lodge No 529 in Worcester other Semper Fidelis attending were No. 1254 Exeter, No.3040 London. No. 3299 Manchester and No. 5052 Bristol.  Bro Nick George with the aid of his daughter raised £161.00 on a sponsored walk. W.Bro David Redman presented the Lodge with an Acacia Wood Bowl.


OCTOBER 1993 -  W.Bro Tom Day presented the Lodge with three Pewter Goblets for use at the Festive Board by the Master and his Wardens.

1993 -  W.Bro Les Hayes raised £572.00 on a sponsored walk towards the 1994 Festival to support the Lodge.


OCTOBER 1991 -  Bro Viv Glazier was elected as an Honorary Member, for his services as auditor and accountant. This year was a special year as W.Bro Bob Goodall proposed and W.Bro Sam Chappell seconded that the Lodge should have a Royal Arch Chapter. The Petition to Supreme Grand Chapter to form the chapter was signed by the Worshipful Master, W.Bro David Redman. (It was early in 1948 before we became a Lodge that at the end of a Founders meeting, it was suggested that the lodge should form a Chapter after 7 years. Bro W.E.G. Woods, ask his father Bro W.A. Woods on the way home “What’s Chapter Dad? “ Don’t worry about that now son as the years pass you will find out. Well Wally was the only member at that meeting 1n 1948 who became a member of the Chapter as the Founding I.P.Z. in 1992, 44 years later.


OCTOBER 1976 -  W. Bro. J.W. Charman the son of our Founding Master was Installed as Master – that evening the Lodge presented Farnborough Masonic Properties with the Three Chairs in memory of W. Bro. R.J. Charman, Founding Master, W. Bro. W.J. Applin, Founding Secretary and W. Bro. R. Wingate, Founding Director of Ceremonies. It was March 1980 that the present Collars and Gauntlets were renewed.


A visit from W. Bro. G. Broad, Balcaru Lodge No. 893 New South Wales, Australia presented the Master with a pair of Cuff-Links – passed on to the incoming Master at the Festive Board on Installation Nights


SEPTEMBER 1972 -  The Rev. L. Clarke-Jones, Prov. Asst. Grand Chaplain – in his will – late Bro. R.J. Leaver left a bequest – money to be used in his memory – set of Silver Mounted Wands** for the Deacons & the Director of Ceremonies & his Assistant Tom Day, 100th member of the Lodge (Installed as Master of the Lodge October 1971) – the youngest founder, Wally Woods, Installed as Master 1972 – that evening proposed his son Mr Gordon Woods as a member – Gordon Woods initiated 4th December, 1972 - Bro. G. Woods becoming the first of a ‘Third Generation’ to become members of the Lodge.


OCTOBER 1968 -  W. Bro. Eustace donated the set of gavels** for three pedestals – and that exquisite example of embroidery which is the Lodge Banner** - dedicated by W. Bro. The Rev. W.B. Griffiths, Prov. Grand Chaplain – Honorary Member, regular attendee and good friend.  W. Bro. H, Mathews another of our sincere friends – and regular visitors (Ed. Later an Honorary Member) designed and crafted the Past Masters Honours Board** - unveiled by ‘Our’ Henry on 7th October, 1968 – dedicated by W. Bro. 


1966 -  Bro. Jack Palmer assisted by his brother George prepared the basic working drawings of sour crest of St. George and the Dragon** - made up into a printing die – The Volume of the Sacred Laws carried in and out at our meetings was presented by W. Bro. W.A. Dollimore – the accompanying Square & Compasses were a gift from our first initiate Bro. Cyril Nichols – Bro R.H. Stocker presented a magnificent box of Working Tools** - unfortunately a split developed in the lid – Bro. Jesse Smith obtained some oak panelling that was being removed from Canterbury Cathedral, made a very practical ‘nest of drawers’ – presented this new box to the Lodge, so this piece of equipment carries two presentation dates 1950 for the tools themselves and 1966 for the cabinet – Bro. Smith also carved the Broken Column**.


EARLY 1963 -  Enquiry to the Committee of Reference – would Semper Fidelis Lodge sponsor a new lodge – agreed – entered on lodge agenda – Lodge of Hospitality became a lusty daughter lodge. The 250th Anniversary Fund to which this Lodge subscribed its quota well in advance of the closing date and for which our Worshipful Master wears the Commemorative Jewel. (Now incorporated on the 50th Anniversary Collar).


1962-63 -  An unusual occurrence took place – requested by Grand Lodge through our Provincial Grand Lodge to confer the Third Degree on members of other lodges – not one but three times - on separate occasions – they were members of Her Majesties Forces*  (Ed. Bro. C.M. Mayger, New Absolom Lodge No. 841 United G.L. Germany – Bro. M.J. Axford, Read Lodge No. 2337 E.C. of Malaysia – Bros. G.S. Pope, Othello Lodge No. 5670 E.C. of Cyprus).

1950's -  During 1950 Bro. Mick O’Bryan secured the freehold of his business premises – converted into a most handsome accommodation – large temple – an adequate dining room & club room – the Lodge first met here on 3rd September, 1951 – formally opened by The provincial Grand Master R.W.Bro. The Earl of Malmesbury – in 1953 -  fall off of members remaining for the Festive Board – an advantage to include the dining fee in the subscription – reviewed – the two fees added together - £5.5s ( five pounds five shillings) – marked improvement in attendance when adopted in January 1954 – in 1958 Aldershot Borough Council amended its by-laws – the building owner to provide an outside fire escape - cost would be a considerable sum of money which was not available – the Scarborough Rooms were closed – we were now a regular dining lodge – approached Farnborough Masonic Halls again – were welcomed back on the 2nd February, 1959 – by 1962 the membership had reached sufficient numbers to reduce the number of meetings per year – the first Monday in January & September were withdrawn – Installation now October not September – the Master at that time W.Bro. B. Anton actually held the office for a record one year one month four days – the annual subscription becoming £7-7s (seven pounds seven shillings).

1940's -  The founding of the Semper Fidelis Lodge was one of those happenings which occur from time to time – this one happened in the bar of the Connaught Rooms, Aldershot – the ornamental facade with its three arched & columned windows with Gothic Capitals - above a shop on the High Street, Aldershot (Ed Number 65) – after a meeting – overheard – what we want in Aldershot is a new lodge – made by W. Bro. H.H. (Knobby) Clark.


On Thursday 25th September, 1947 the first meeting of the Founders:- P.A.T. Harden, E. Tanner, J. Anderson, R.J. Charman, W.A. Woods, B.J. Applin, A.R. Kent, L.E. Biles, D.G. Brien, L.M. Hammond, C.A. Hensman, R.H.Stocker, W.E.G. Woods, A.J. Pretty, W.H. Bedford, R. Wingate, W.J. Applin, C.E.Ragan, H.C. O’Bryan, H.H. Clark, E.T. Driver, J. Palmer, W.A. Dollimore, H.W. Scard, G.A. North, J.S. Hughes was held in the George Hotel, Aldershot to discuss the subject – Chaired by W. Bro. R.J. Charman and W. Bro. W.J. Applin acting as Secretary – a proposal that a new lodge be formed as an offshoot of the Aldershot Camp Lodge No. 1331 E.C. – a petition be forwarded – the Warrant was granted – the Primus Master to be W. Ro. R.J. Charman – subscription fee £2-2s (two pounds two shillings) excluding dining. (Ed. The first Lodge Meeting after its Consecration on Thursday 14th October, 1948 was held at Farnborough on Monday 22nd November, 1948)

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