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News & Events

Here you can find information on up and coming news and events relating to the Semper Fidelis Lodge No. 6664. 

Also information on past events can be found below.



We may be on lock down but Masonry is still acting a delivery of food etc to Alderwood school to be repacked and delivered to families in need


The WM and WB Steven Blanchard on the food run.


Bro. Joshua McCormack the inner Guard member of the Lodge reported

that child  hunger is now a real issue locally and identified 37 pupils  requiring

assistance in year 7 alone at his school,A lderwood school.  Food parcel

support would make a real difference. 


So this initiative has been taken by the WM David Coole to raise and

allocate funds for this cause.  So with over £3000 pledged and donated to 

date there is sufficient funds for the initial Christmas phase and further  on

going support to follow into the New Year

The Installation meeting went well and by all accounts it was a great evening for all.  So now James Perfect is the Master of the Lodge and Geoff McLaurin is now IPM and Secretary.  Go to Gallery for more pictures.

4th June 2019 The Master Geoff McLaurin and the Charity Steward Joe White presented a Cheque for £1000.00 to Sue Tiplady of Cancer Research.

Treasure Hunt  20th July

Well we had a first Treasure Hunt yesterday and it proved a lovely sunny afternoon to take a walk around Odiham and have some fun.  The wiiners of the whole thing were Sandy Redman and David Coole, so well done to them and thank you to everyone who took part and those that couldn't who supported the event.  Remember it's not to late to support this charity event by forwarding your donation.

Cheque Presentation

White table dining.jpg
New Master of the Lodge 
1st October 2018


Geoff McLaurin has become Master of the Lodge. In his term, Geoff hopes to raise a considerable amount of money for various charities.

Summer BBQ & Raffle
23rd June 2018, Horseshoe Lake, Sandhurst


Thank you to everyone who attended, contributed and helped with this event. It was a fantastic day, thoroughly enjoyed by all and a beautiful setting with beautiful weather. A big thank you to Joe White who was the main organiser of this event. A grand total of £519 was raised!

Annual White Table Meeting
3rd December 2018 - Arrive 6:30pm


Come along and join in the fun!

The Worshipful Master Geoffrey McLaurin invites you and your guest to the Annual White Table Meeting.

Christmas Fun Day
December - Date to be Confirmed


Come along and join in the fun!

Bring the family to our annual Christmas event. We have lots of fun activities and stalls to keep you entertained.

Joe White's Ben Nevis Challenge
13th June 2018, Fort William, Scotland


Joe kindly offered to do this challenge in an effort to raise essential funds for the Farnborough Masonic Centre. As many of you are probably aware, the Farnborough Masonic Centre is in need of ongoing maintenance which can only be paid for via lodge members and through our fundraising events.

Joe has trained for many months in preparation for his climb which he has now conquered! We can't thank Joe enough for his efforts, he achieved his goal and raised a fantastic £500! Well done Joe!

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